Suggestions for Increasing Vitamin Absorption

  1. Deworming:

Parasitic infestations in the gastrointestinal tract hinder the absorption of these important nutrients. Even adults can have these infestations if we tend to eat out a lot because the food handlers or cooks could be the carriers. So regular deworming is the must

  1. Avoid wrong combinations while eating food:

-Avoid eating palak and paneer together as the oxalate from palak combines with the calcium from paneer thus inhibiting calcium absorption from the gut.

-Do not drink tea or coffee with long meals as the tannins present in both tea and coffee inhibits the absorption of iron from the food.

-Do not have fruits along with the meals. The best time to eat fruits is either first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or as a mid-morning snack in between breakfast and lunch. This will ensure that all the healthy vitamins and minerals present in the food are fully absorbed.

-Do not drink water with meals as it dilutes the enzymes in the digestive tracks leading to incomplete digestion and absorption.

  1. Eating the right combinations:

-Lemon juice is a good source of Vitamin C and can be taken with iron-rich foods such as spinach, quinoa, chia seeds, lentils, oatmeal, and soybeans.

-Sulfur-rich foods like garlic and onion should always be added while cooking mutton, and chicken because sulfur helps in the absorption of zinc and iron present in these foods

  1. Soaking and sprouting :
    Soaking and sprouting of cereals and pulses increases their vitamin C and B complex content and bioavailability
  2. Have probiotic supplements and prebiotic foods in your diet:
    To keep your gut healthy you need to maintain a healthy microflora in your gut. Add the following foods to your diet which help to increase the healthy bacteria in your gut. These are prebiotic foods like banana, pineapple, garlic, onion, cucumber, and flax seed. Probiotic foods like curd and yogurt could also be added

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Dietician Deepti Goyal

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